Friday, January 9, 2009

'In the presence of your King....

....bow the knee.'

'There are moments on our journey following the Lord, when God illumines every step we take. There are times when circumstances make perect sense to us, as we try to understand each move He makes. When the path grows dim and our questions have no answers to turn to Him.

Bow the knee. Trust the heart of your Father, when the answer goes beyond what you can see. Bow the knee. Lift your eyes towards heaven and believe the one who holds eternity. When you don't understand the purpose of His plan, in the presence of your King, bow the knee.

I have been challenged very recently about trusting my Father's heart. As I was sitting on my bed tonight crying out to God for His mercy and grace on my life and on present circumstances I heard Him say to me...'Kyla? do you believe that your God is bigger than the pain you are feeling right now? Not the God you learned about in sunday school but the God that has shown Himself faithful time and time again, the God that holds the very heart that is hurting?' I was quiet. There is nothing wrong with sunday school or the stories that made a big God become very real to a very small mind but I have grown in my spiritaul walk since then and if my view of God was still as it was vision of the potential of that same God, would be very small. As I thought over the question I heard the Holy Spirit say to me I had no choice but to examine myself. Were my eyes lifted towards the only place that I could find peace? Or was the circumstance clouding my view?

There are days when clouds surround us and the cold and lonely winds won't cease to blow. Even though there is reason for the suffering wefeel, we are tempted to believe that God does not know. When the storms arise, don't forget we live by faith and not by sight.

Bow the knee. Trust the heart of your Father, when the answer goes beyond what you can see. Bow the knee. Lift your eyes towards heaven and believe the one who holds eternity. In the presence of your King, bow the knee.

Don't forget we live by faith and not by sight.' What a cliche verse but what a process to live out. I am resigned to believe that God DOES know. My heart is resigned to the truthfulness of past circumstances that prove Him above and beyond worthy of that fact. I WILL trust my father's heart...He sees beyind what I can....He makes a way where there seems no way....He works in ways I cannot see....With love and strength for each knew day..He WILL make a way.

In the presence of my King. I bow my knee.

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