There is this girl that was born 13 months before me. Brown eyed and kinda shy, but spunky, she was God's blessing to me. As time has gone on we have gone from playmate to confidante, from relation to friend. She makes me laugh and smile like no one else can. She has a relationship with her heavenly Father that has made her into a woman after His heart. She walks with me down this road of life even though many miles seperate us. She encourages me to settle for best above good. She has a passion to pursue God's call on her life. Yes, human she may be, but the power of God has 'been her strength in her weakness' and it has made her into the woman of God she is today. She has been an inspiration to me and I will always cherish those memories. She is...my sister. <3 I love you, Fred. (Hehe! We even have nickames for each other...yep, you will never believe what she calls me! I'm George. It's true. It's just another one of those 'sister things' :)
YAY! You're back on here!
Aw! What a sweet post about your sister.:-) I still really want to meet Fred someday.;-) hehe!
Everything I've heard about her makes me want to meet her even more!:-)
Miss you, Kylily. Hope you have a great day!
Aw! Thanks Meagy! I am responding to your email now but I will send it out tomorrow. Thanks for writing me it was good to hear from you..I miss you. Yes, you will definitely have to meet her someday :)
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